Walking as Strangers

We, three of us, were standing at the entry way, in the typical Minnesota goodbye fashion, still talking. My friend looked at me so tenderly, ” Jewel I still remember swimming with you at Lake Johanna when you laid out your dream of being a missionary, married to a European, and having a family. And now you are seeing your dream come true” I had no recollection of ever saying that. I say as much. I also say, how much it means that she remembered this moment and is in essence the keeper of a memory that I truly needed … Continue reading Walking as Strangers

Little Missionaries Series: A Strange Call

In August 2022 we joined Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). We then received the job title “missionary”. Not only us, Alfred and Jewel, but our two sons, Eskil and Emrik. Little MAFers as they are called. As we have journeyed through this time of support raising and ministry partnership, I (Jewel) have become more and more aware of Eskil and Emrik’s call as missionaries and our role in guiding them. It has been a joyous process of discovery particularly in regard to how intimately God has designed our little ones for the task before us. Over several blog posts I hope … Continue reading Little Missionaries Series: A Strange Call

“Welcome to the United States…”

Finally, after quite a long wait with a few hiccups along the way, we were delighted to receive the letter in the mail stating the words “welcome to the United States of America”. It is with great relief and gratefulness that I, Alfred, have recently received permanent residency as a green card holder in USA. This means that Jewel and I do not need to worry much about whether to move across some border or not by next spring. It is very nice to know that we can keep the family together. We can now also move about and take … Continue reading “Welcome to the United States…”

Back on the shop floor!

I have been working at Western Aviation over three months now. So far it has been a great experience seeing some of the more business oriented side of aviation. I really enjoy working alongside my new team and coworkers and all in all I just feel blessed to be around a good company.The change from a non profit flight school shop to a repair station has put me on a new stage in the aviation world. Moody Aviation strives for perfection in teaching their students. However, in the business world perfection does not always make much money. Sometimes it simply … Continue reading Back on the shop floor!